Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yoko is a boy!!

Full confession time: I'm a huge liar, or at least a dissembler of the truth. For the six of you who read my I'm Pregnant post earlier in October, remember me writing that I was 51/49 for a boy? What rubbish! Yesterday when the ultrasound technician wielded her magic wand and revealed that the fetus did in fact have a 'piggy' (her word people, and she said it twice), I screamed and writhed and clapped with pleasure. Clearly the reaction of someone who had been hoping at minimum 75/25 for a boy. And Grey was pretty darn excited, too, but he had never hedged his bets publicly like I did. He quite openly dreaded being outnumbered in a house of women (as if they still won't be).

So Yoko is a boy baby. Helen Dekker decided a few weeks ago that the fetus is to be called Yoko, and that's been the in-house nickname. It's going nowhere near the birth certificate, but it's cute for now. Watch us call that poor child Yoko until he's ready to start school.

So that's the latest news. One of each and we're done adding to the population of the world.

Love from all of we.


barefoot said...

Congratulations!!! And welcome to the world of 4. It is a crazy crazy place. But much fun, too. Btw, we missed you the other night at our little "ladies' night out"! Glad to read that all is well (and warm) in Trinidad. I am insanely jealous right now of your sleeveless shirts, endless sunshine, and proximity to beautiful water.

barefoot said...

p.s. ignore the weird username. i don't know how to change it! -- lyn

E's Mama said...

Congrats! Reading that you thought Grey and Yoko would still be outnumbered, there was a split second when I thought you were going to say you were having twins, one a girl. Phew!


Nerissa said...

Yeah Graci. Way to go Grey. Great shot! Yoko works for now.

Unknown said...

SO excited!! I was holding my breath when I heard the name Yoko...good to know it not going nowhere near the birth paper! Congrats congrats!!